Tiny Epic Dungeons (The Board Game)

Tiny Epic Dungeons (The Board Game)
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Tiny Epic Dungeons is a dungeon crawler game for one to four players that takes place in the fictional land of Aughmoore. The game is totally cooperative. Players take control of a group of Heroes as they venture through a perilous dungeon in Tiny Epic Dungeons in order to confront and defeat the dreaded Dungeon Boss.

The heroes explore the dungeon one room at a time as they make their way through it. Everywhere the Heroes turn, goblins and fierce minions are there to try to obstruct their way. Traps are set up in areas where there are no enemies, and they are ready to ambush even the most well-prepared heroes.

Tiny Epic Dungeons Short Description

How To Play Tiny Epic Dungeons ✍ī¸

The first thing that each participant does is choose a character. There is a wide selection of brave individuals from whom to pick. Each character possesses a unique set of characteristics as well as a unique set of powers.

Every participant will receive a focus and health marker. On the player mats, these go at the very top of the respective tracks that correspond to them. After then, they position their miniature such that it is above the beginning tile in the table's center.



Following the actions of each player in turn, the torch continues its journey along the railway. This causes goblins to spawn or activates enemies in the area. If the flame goes out before you reach the bottom of the well, you lose the game and are plunged into darkness.

It is a race against time to investigate the dungeon, vanquish a sufficient number of minions, and locate the boss's stronghold. Act II will begin only if the previous attempt was successful.

Act Two

In Act Two, the "Boss Card" is revealed, along with the location of the actual boss's lair. Additionally, the torch card is turned over to expose a fresh track and cause the timer to begin counting down once more.

The bosses are challenging and need a significant amount of damage to be dealt to them before they can be defeated. In addition to this, it is necessary to draw them out to the minion spawning tiles so that further damage may be delivered.

Throughout the course of this epic conflict, the torch will continue to advance along the track following the turn of each participant. This either creates additional goblins or makes all of the enemy active. The only thing you have to be concerned about is not the boss.

You will be deemed victorious if you are successful in vanquishing the boss. This is not as simple as it first appears. The fact that there are many distinct ways to fail at this game contributes to its difficulty. If the dungeon can no longer be explored before the boss' minions and lair are exposed, you lose.



If the torch reaches the bottom of the track, you lose. If five goblins are formed, you lose. If the torch reaches the bottom of the track, you lose. Only once out of the half-dozen times that I've played this game have I come out on top. I've never played a game where I came out on the losing end having so much fun as I have with TED.

Kickstarter Trailer

Tiny Epic Dungeons - Kickstarter Trailer

Tiny Epic Dungeons trailer .#tinyepic #tinyepicdungeons #rpg#boardgame#D&D#FUN

Winning đŸĨ‡ And Lossing ☚ī¸ Conditions

Tiny Epic Dungeons is broken up into two acts, and the sequence in which players take turns rotates clockwise. Players are considered victorious if they are able to vanquish the Boss in Act 2, but they are considered losers if any of the following three things take place:

  • There must be a fifth Goblin, despite the fact that there are already four Goblins in the dungeon.
  • The torch travels all the way to the skull at the conclusion of its path
  • There are no open passageways in the dungeon, and the Lair Door Card has not yet been discovered. The dungeon cannot be explored any further.



Overall Impressions 😃

The following is a list that I have compiled of both the positive and negative aspects of Tiny Epic Dungeons.

Pros 👍

  • The artwork appeals to me. I enjoy the vivid colors, and I think the traditional high fantasy appearance and the figures themselves are both quite attractive.
  • I didn't have a hard time adjusting to the new iconography for very long. After approximately the third game, there wasn't much of a slowdown caused by the player attempting to figure out what a spell or piece of armor performed or how a specific boss was going to react.
  • The diversity of bosses and minions is excellent. Full disclosure I made the decision to purchase everything, so that I would have access to all of the expansions. I really appreciated the additional diversity, and I've had a lot of fun with all of the varied challenges that are included in the game.
  • There is a great deal of variation in the characters, and no two of them seemed to be too similar.
  • The Combat system in Tiny Epic Dungeons is a fun and quick way to play.
  • Venturing into the dungeon is a lot of fun since you get to turn the cards and find out what's around the next corner.
  • You'll feel like a genuine hero thanks to the insanely exciting treasure and spells you can get in this game. At one point in time, I was racing down the dungeon at incredible speeds, breaking through the walls, and destroying the goblins who stood in my way with arcs of chained lightning.
  • The boss fights are a lot of fun to participate in. Now that I have faced five distinct bosses, each one was enjoyable to me for its own unique set of reasons.

Cons 👎

  • The rule book was poor, despite the attractive symbology and the downloadable appendix. It wasn't that it was poorly written; rather, it had a haphazard feel to it. It was obvious that the piece was crafted by someone who was intimately familiar with the game and all of its complexities. There are certain aspects that were not communicated to the designer, which may have seemed clear to them. But it was a difficult read, and finding the information I wanted was a challenge.
  • There should be a glossary in every rule book, and the books should be prepared for those who have never played a board game before. That being said, I persevered and got the job done.
  • In the most of the games I've played, someone has always gotten the legendary set that they were seeking for, and some of them, including myself, have always gotten the mage set for their half-orc barbarian. Therefore, I wish it were simpler to get equipment so that the entire group could enjoy the event to the same degree.
  • Amazingly detailed miniatures occupying a teeny-tiny living place I adore these, and I can't wait to put my brush to paper and paint them. However, I don't make practical use of them... Something had to give in order for me to fit all of the expansions inside the primary box, and I decided that it would have to be the miniatures.

Conclussion 📖

It's a lot of fun to construct the dungeon. When opposed to anything else, such as Zombicide, in which the full map is presented to you right from the beginning, I like how this game hides information from you.

In this game, you have no idea what the outcomes of the tiles that are shown will be. Will you have good fortune and be able to join the two branches of the dungeon as you had hoped, or will you run into an impasse?

Will you have to turn around, squandering the valuable light from the torch in the process? Because of the way the dungeon has been laid up, each explore will take place on a different map.

This is an exciting addition to the TE line that introduces something new and different to the series, and it is very much appreciated by me.

For anyone looking for a good dungeon crawler, I can't think of a better option than Tiny Epic Dungeons. In my opinion, this one can compete on an equal level with any of the other dungeon crawlers that are currently available. Very soon, we will be participating in yet another amazing game!

Tiny Epic Dungeons Tutorial

Tiny Epic Dungeons Tutorial | Dized

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