Galactic Games: Exploring the Universe Through Board Games

Galactic Games: Exploring the Universe Through Board Games
Photo by Aperture Vintage / Unsplash

Spread out the best space board games on the table with your loved ones. Some of our picks are out-of-this-world, very literally!

The greatest space board games in the universe are here to satisfy your cravings for space exploration, galactic conquest, extraterrestrial encounters, or strategic starship conflict. Most are aimed at those aged 12 and up and can be accomplished in two hours or less.


Looking for a board game that will take you on a journey across the stars? Look no further than Space Base! This gem of a game has captured the hearts of many with its engaging gameplay, strategic depth, and cosmic charm.

In this guide, we'll dive into everything you need to know about Space Base, from its mechanics to the reasons it stands out in a galaxy of board games. Plus, we'll explore other stellar titles that will keep your game nights out of this world.

Twilight Imperium: Fourth Edition (2017)

Twilight Imperium: Fourth Edition is often hailed as the pinnacle of epic board gaming experiences. For those who crave long, strategic, and immersive gameplay, this game delivers in spades.

In this blog post, we'll break down what makes Twilight Imperium so special, from its core gameplay mechanics to the sheer scope of its universe.

Whether you're a seasoned gamer or new to the world of strategic board games, this guide will help you understand why Twilight Imperium deserves a place on your gaming table.

Short Description

Twilight Imperium: Fourth Edition is a grand strategy board game set in a sprawling galaxy filled with political intrigue, epic battles, and interstellar diplomacy.

This version, created by Christian T. Petersen and released by Fantasy Flight Games, improves and simplifies the intricate gameplay of its forerunners, making it more approachable without sacrificing its complexity and depth.

Players take on the roles of different factions vying for control of the galaxy, each with unique abilities, units, and goals.

Key Features:

  • Player Count: 3–6 players
  • Playtime: 4–8 hours
  • Complexity: High, suitable for experienced gamers


The game begins with players constructing the galaxy map using hexagonal tiles. This modular setup ensures that each game is unique, offering endless replayability.

Players then choose their factions, each with distinct strengths, weaknesses, and special abilities.

Turn Structure

Twilight Imperium is played over a series of rounds, each divided into four phases:

  1. Strategy Phase: Players choose strategy cards that determine turn order and grant special abilities for the round.
  2. Action Phase: The heart of the game, where players move their fleets, engage in battles, negotiate, and expand their influence.
  3. Status Phase: Players score victory points, claim objectives, and refresh their resources.
  4. Agenda Phase: Players vote on galactic laws and policies, adding a layer of political strategy.

Winning the Game

The game ends when a player reaches a predetermined number of victory points, typically 10. Points are earned by completing public and secret objectives, controlling key systems, and winning major battles.

The first player to reach the victory point threshold triggers the endgame, and the player with the most points is declared the ruler of the galaxy.

Strategies and Tips

Success in Twilight Imperium requires balancing multiple aspects of gameplay:

  • Military Might: Building and deploying fleets to control vital systems and deter opponents.
  • Political Savvy: Navigating the agenda phase to pass beneficial laws or hinder rivals.
  • Economic Management: Efficiently managing resources to build units, research technologies, and expand influence.
  • Diplomacy: Forming and breaking alliances as needed to achieve your objectives.


Twilight Imperium: Fourth Edition is not just a game; it's an experience. Its blend of deep strategy, rich lore, and dynamic gameplay makes it a must-play for any board game enthusiast.

The sheer scope of the game can be daunting, but for those willing to invest the time, it offers unparalleled rewards.

Whether you're maneuvering fleets in epic space battles, negotiating alliances in the council chamber, or forging your path to galactic dominance, Twilight Imperium provides a gaming experience that is truly out of this world.

Terraforming Mars

Terraforming Mars, released in 2016, has quickly become a beloved classic in the board gaming world.

Combining science fiction themes with deep strategic gameplay, this game challenges players to transform the Martian landscape into a habitable environment.

In this post, we'll break down what makes Terraforming Mars a standout game, explore its gameplay mechanics and strategic elements, and explain why it deserves a spot in your board game collection.

Short Description

Terraforming Mars is a strategy board game designed by Jacob Fryxelius and published by FryxGames and Stronghold Games.

Set in the 2400s, players take on the roles of competing corporations tasked with terraforming the Red Planet.

Through strategic card play, resource management, and collaboration, players work to increase Mars' temperature, oxygen levels, and ocean coverage, making the planet habitable for future generations.

Key Features:

  • Player Count: 1-5 players
  • Playtime: 120-180 minutes
  • Complexity: Medium to high, ideal for experienced gamers


Each player starts by choosing a corporation, each with unique abilities and starting resources. The game board represents Mars, divided into hexagonal tiles where players can build cities, forests, and other structures.

The main objective is to raise the temperature, increase oxygen levels, and create oceans, with each milestone contributing to the overall terraforming goal.

Turn Structure

Terraforming Mars is played over a series of generations, each consisting of several phases:

  1. Research Phase: Players draw four project cards and can buy any number of them to add to their hand.
  2. Action Phase: Players take turns performing one or two actions, such as playing project cards, converting resources, or using corporation-specific abilities.
  3. Production Phase: Players produce resources based on their production levels, which include mega credits, steel, titanium, plants, energy, and heat.

Project Cards

The heart of Terraforming Mars lies in its project cards, which come in various types:

  • Building Cards: Focus on infrastructure, offering immediate or ongoing benefits.
  • Event Cards: Provide one-time powerful effects.
  • Automated Cards: Grant bonuses and contribute to terraforming metrics.

Players must strategically manage their hand of cards, resources, and actions to maximize their impact and outmaneuver opponents.

Scoring and Endgame

The game ends when Mars is fully terraformed, meaning the temperature, oxygen level, and ocean coverage have reached their targets.

Players then score points based on their contributions to terraforming, the structures they’ve built, milestones achieved, and awards won. The player with the most points is declared the winner.

Strategies and Tips

To excel in Terraforming Mars, consider these strategies:

  1. Diversify Projects: Balance short-term gains with long-term investments.
  2. Resource Management: Efficiently manage your resources to ensure a steady flow of income and production.
  3. Adaptability: Be flexible in your strategy, adapting to the cards you draw and the actions of your opponents.


Terraforming Mars offers a rich, strategic gaming experience that immerses players in the challenges of transforming a barren planet into a thriving new world. Its blend of resource management, card drafting, and tactical planning provides endless replayability and depth.

Whether you're a seasoned gamer or a sci-fi enthusiast, Terraforming Mars is a must-play that promises hours of engaging and thought-provoking gameplay.

Star Wars: Rebellion

Star Wars: Rebellion, released in 2016, is a board game that captures the epic conflict between the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance. This game brings the rich narrative of the Star Wars universe to life, offering players a deep strategic experience.

In this blog post, we'll explore the intricacies of Star Wars: Rebellion, from its gameplay mechanics to the reasons it stands out as a must-have for any board game collection.

Short Description

Star Wars: Rebellion is a grand strategy board game designed by Corey Konieczka and published by Fantasy Flight Games.

Set during the original Star Wars trilogy, the game pits two players or two teams against each other in an asymmetrical battle for control of the galaxy.

One side controls the Galactic Empire, seeking to crush the Rebel Alliance and maintain order through fear. The other side leads the Rebel Alliance, striving to undermine the Empire and inspire a galaxy-wide revolution.

Key Features:

  • Player Count: 2-4 players
  • Playtime: 3-4 hours
  • Complexity: High, suitable for experienced gamers


The game begins with each side setting up their forces and drawing mission cards that represent iconic Star Wars moments and strategies.

The Galactic Empire’s objective is to locate and destroy the hidden Rebel base, while the Rebel Alliance aims to gain enough support across the galaxy to incite a full-scale rebellion.

Turn Structure

Star Wars: Rebellion is played over a series of rounds, with each round consisting of three phases:

  1. Assignment Phase: Players secretly assign leaders to mission cards or leave them in the leader pool to use for other actions.
  2. Command Phase: Players take turns performing actions, such as attempting missions, moving units, and engaging in combat. Missions can lead to key events or provide strategic advantages.
  3. Refresh Phase: Players draw new mission cards, recruit leaders, and reset used leaders.

Combat and Missions

Combat in Star Wars: Rebellion is tactical and involves both space and ground battles. Players use dice to resolve conflicts, and the outcome can significantly alter the course of the game.

Missions are critical to gameplay, as they can sabotage opponents, gather intelligence, or rally support.

Strategic Depth

The asymmetrical nature of Star Wars: Rebellion requires different strategies for each side:

  • Galactic Empire: Focuses on military might, using vast resources to hunt down the Rebel base and crush opposition.
  • Rebel Alliance: Relies on guerrilla tactics, spreading influence, and completing covert missions to weaken the Empire’s control.

Scoring and Endgame

The game ends when the Empire finds and destroys the Rebel base, or the Rebel Alliance’s reputation track reaches a certain point, symbolizing galaxy-wide support. The player or team achieving their objective first wins the game.


Star Wars: Rebellion is a must-play for fans of the Star Wars franchise and strategy game enthusiasts alike. Its deep, narrative-driven gameplay and asymmetrical design create an immersive experience that captures the epic scale of the galactic struggle.

Whether commanding the vast fleets of the Empire or leading the ragtag Rebel forces, players will find themselves engrossed in a game of strategy, cunning, and tactical brilliance.


Nemesis, released in 2018 by Awaken Realms, is a survival horror board game that immerses players in a tense, sci-fi nightmare.

Designed by Adam Kwapiński, this game combines cooperative and semi-cooperative gameplay elements, pitting players against a deadly alien threat aboard a derelict spaceship.

In this blog post, we'll delve into what makes Nemesis a standout game, exploring its gameplay mechanics, strategic elements, and why it deserves a spot in your board game collection.

Short Description

Nemesis is a semi-cooperative survival horror game for 1-5 players, where players take on the roles of crew members who wake up from hibernation to find their spaceship infested with hostile alien creatures.

The objective is to complete personal missions and ensure the survival of the crew while dealing with the constant threat of the alien intruders. The game is known for its rich narrative, strategic depth, and atmospheric tension.

Key Features:

  • Player Count: 1-5 players
  • Playtime: 90-180 minutes
  • Complexity: High, ideal for experienced gamers


The game begins with players choosing their characters, each with unique abilities and roles. The ship's map is laid out with various rooms to explore, each potentially containing useful items or deadly traps.

Players receive secret objectives, which could be personal goals or missions that may conflict with the group's survival.

Turn Structure

Nemesis is played over a series of rounds, with each round divided into several phases:

  1. Player Phase: Players take actions such as moving, searching rooms, repairing systems, and attacking or evading aliens. Each action costs cards, which must be carefully managed.
  2. Event Phase: Alien behavior is determined, potentially bringing new threats or exacerbating existing ones. Events can change the game's dynamics and introduce new challenges.

Strategic Depth

Surviving in Nemesis requires careful planning and strategic thinking. Key elements include:

  • Resource Management: Players must manage their limited action cards, balancing immediate needs with long-term survival.
  • Cooperation and Betrayal: While cooperation is essential, hidden objectives can lead to betrayal, adding a layer of psychological tension.
  • Exploration: The ship is filled with unknown dangers and valuable resources, making exploration both risky and rewarding.

Alien Threats

The aliens, known as Intruders, are unpredictable and deadly. They react to player actions, forcing players to adapt their strategies constantly. Combat is dangerous, often resulting in injuries or death, making evasion and stealth crucial.

Victory Conditions

Players can achieve victory by fulfilling their secret objectives and ensuring their survival until the ship reaches Earth or another safe location.

However, conflicting objectives can lead to dramatic and unexpected outcomes, with players turning on each other in the final moments.


Nemesis offers a gripping and atmospheric experience that stands out in the board gaming world. Its blend of survival horror, strategic depth, and cooperative gameplay (with a potential for betrayal) creates a dynamic and tense environment that keeps players on the edge of their seats.

Whether you're a fan of horror, sci-fi, or strategic games, Nemesis provides an unforgettable adventure that challenges your wits and nerves.

Star Realms

Star Realms, released in 2014 by Wise Wizard Games, is a fast-paced deck-building card game that brings the excitement of space battles to your tabletop.

Designed by Magic: The Gathering Hall of Famers Robert Dougherty and Darwin Kastle, this game is known for its strategic depth, quick gameplay, and replayability.

In this blog post, we'll explore the essentials of Star Realms, including its gameplay mechanics, strategic elements, and why it has become a staple in many board game collections.

Short Description

Star Realms is a deck-building game for 2-4 players that combines strategic card play with thrilling space combat.

Players start with a basic deck and use trade points to acquire powerful ships and bases, aiming to reduce their opponent’s authority (health points) to zero.

The game’s sleek design, portability, and engaging mechanics have made it a popular choice among both casual and competitive gamers.

Key Features:

  • Player Count: 2-4 players (best with 2 players)
  • Playtime: 20-40 minutes
  • Complexity: Medium, suitable for a wide range of gamers


The game begins with each player receiving a starting deck of 10 cards, consisting of eight Scouts (providing trade points) and two Vipers (providing combat points). The central trade row is populated with five cards from the trade deck, and each player starts with 50 authority points.

Turn Structure

A player’s turn in Star Realms consists of several phases:

  1. Draw Phase: Draw five cards from your deck.
  2. Main Phase: Play cards from your hand to acquire trade points, combat points, and special abilities.
  3. Acquire and Attack: Use trade points to purchase new ships and bases from the trade row and combat points to attack your opponent’s bases or reduce their authority.
  4. Discard Phase: Discard any remaining cards and draw a new hand of five cards.

Strategic Depth

Star Realms offers deep strategic gameplay through its deck-building mechanics. Key strategies include:

  • Deck Synergy: Focus on acquiring cards from the same faction to trigger powerful combo effects. The four factions – Trade Federation, Blob, Star Empire, and Machine Cult – each have unique strengths and abilities.
  • Resource Management: Balance your trade and combat points to build a strong deck while pressuring your opponent.
  • Base Management: Utilize bases for ongoing effects and as defensive structures to protect your authority.

Card Types

The game features two main types of cards:

  • Ships: Provide trade, combat, and special abilities when played.
  • Bases: Remain in play and provide ongoing benefits each turn, with outposts offering additional protection.

Victory Conditions

The game continues until one player’s authority is reduced to zero, at which point their opponent is declared the winner. The combination of strategic deck-building and tactical combat makes each game a unique challenge.


Star Realms is a thrilling and dynamic deck-building game that perfectly blends strategic planning with intense space battles.

Its quick setup, easy-to-learn mechanics, and depth of strategy make it a must-have for any board game enthusiast.

Whether you're battling head-to-head in a quick match or exploring new strategies with friends, Star Realms offers endless hours of engaging gameplay.

Star Trek: Ascendancy

Star Trek: Ascendancy, released in 2016 by Gale Force Nine, is a strategy board game that transports players into the heart of the Star Trek universe.

With its rich thematic elements and deep strategic gameplay, it offers an immersive experience for both Trekkies and strategy enthusiasts.

In this post, we’ll delve into what makes Star Trek: Ascendancy a standout game, exploring its gameplay mechanics, strategic elements, and why it deserves a place in your board game collection.

Short Description

Star Trek: Ascendancy is a 4X strategy board game (eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, eXterminate) for 3-5 players, where each player takes control of a major faction in the Star Trek universe.

The goal is to expand your civilization by exploring new worlds, building starbases, engaging in diplomacy, and conquering enemies.

With customizable galaxy maps and diverse faction abilities, every game offers a unique journey through the final frontier.

Key Features:

  • Player Count: 3-5 players (expandable with additional factions)
  • Playtime: 3-4 hours
  • Complexity: High, ideal for experienced gamers


The game begins with each player selecting a faction: Federation, Klingon, or Romulan. Each faction has its unique ships, technologies, and abilities, providing distinct strategic advantages and play styles.

The galaxy map is built from system tiles, creating a modular and customizable play area that changes each game.

Turn Structure

Star Trek: Ascendancy is played over a series of rounds, with each round consisting of several phases:

  1. Initiative Phase: Determine the order of play for the round.
  2. Command Phase: Players take turns performing actions such as exploring new systems, building ships and starbases, researching technologies, and engaging in combat.
  3. Build Phase: Players spend resources to build new ships, develop systems, and enhance their civilization.

Strategic Depth

Star Trek: Ascendancy offers a rich tapestry of strategic possibilities:

  • Exploration: Discover new systems and encounter random events that can provide opportunities or challenges.
  • Expansion: Colonize new worlds and establish trade routes to increase your resources and influence.
  • Exploitation: Use your resources wisely to build ships, research new technologies, and upgrade your systems.
  • Extermination: Engage in space battles with rival factions to control key areas of the galaxy and assert dominance.

Diplomacy and Conflict

Diplomacy plays a crucial role in Star Trek: Ascendancy. Players can form alliances, negotiate treaties, or declare war based on their strategic goals.

Balancing cooperation and conflict is key to achieving victory, as alliances can provide significant advantages but may also lead to betrayal and shifting power dynamics.

Victory Conditions

The game ends when a player achieves one of the victory conditions, such as building their third Ascendancy token, controlling a certain number of systems, or achieving specific faction objectives.

The player who meets a victory condition first wins the game, showcasing their supremacy in the galaxy.


Star Trek: Ascendancy is a must-play for fans of the Star Trek franchise and strategy game enthusiasts.

Its blend of exploration, diplomacy, and tactical combat creates an engaging and immersive experience that captures the essence of the Star Trek universe.

Whether you're forging alliances, exploring new worlds, or commanding epic space battles, Star Trek: Ascendancy offers a deep and rewarding gaming experience that will keep you coming back to explore the final frontier.

Xia: Legends of a Drift System

Xia: Legends of a Drift System, released in 2014 by Far Off Games, is an open-ended sandbox board game that invites players to forge their own paths in a richly detailed galaxy.

Designed by Cody Miller, this game allows players to take on various roles—from daring pirates to noble merchants—as they explore, trade, and battle their way to fame and fortune.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the intricacies of Xia: Legends of a Drift System, delving into its gameplay mechanics, strategic elements, and why it has captivated the hearts of many board game enthusiasts.

Short Description

Xia: Legends of a Drift System is a sandbox-style board game for 2-5 players, where each player commands a starship, navigating a modular galaxy to complete missions, trade goods, engage in combat, and explore new worlds.

The game’s open-ended nature allows players to pursue various strategies and paths to victory, making each playthrough a unique adventure.

Key Features:

  • Player Count: 2-5 players
  • Playtime: 60-180 minutes
  • Complexity: Medium to high, suitable for experienced gamers


The game begins with each player selecting a starship and receiving a set of initial resources and missions. The galaxy is built using modular hex tiles, ensuring a different layout each game.

Players also receive a command sheet to track their ship’s upgrades, cargo, and status.

Turn Structure

Xia: Legends of a Drift System is played over a series of turns, with each player’s turn consisting of several phases:

  1. Action Phase: Players can perform various actions such as moving their ship, attacking other ships, trading goods, completing missions, and exploring new tiles.
  2. Cooldown Phase: Players manage their ship’s systems, dealing with cooldowns and recharging shields.
  3. Event Phase: Random events can occur, introducing new challenges or opportunities.

Strategic Depth

Xia offers a rich array of strategic choices, allowing players to tailor their playstyle to their preferences. Key strategies include:

  • Exploration: Discover new systems and hidden treasures by venturing into uncharted space.
  • Trade and Commerce: Buy and sell goods across the galaxy, taking advantage of fluctuating market prices to maximize profits.
  • Piracy and Combat: Attack other players or NPC ships to steal cargo and gain notoriety.
  • Mission Completion: Fulfill various missions for rewards and reputation.

Ship Customization

Players can upgrade their ships with new modules, weapons, and abilities. Each ship has unique stats and capacities, allowing for different approaches to gameplay. Balancing offensive, defensive, and utility upgrades is crucial to success.

Victory Conditions

The game ends when a player reaches a set number of Fame Points, which can be earned through various means such as completing missions, winning battles, and exploring new systems.

The player with the most Fame Points at the end of the game is declared the winner, having carved out their legend in the drift.


Xia: Legends of a Drift System stands out as a quintessential sandbox experience, offering players the freedom to chart their own course in a dynamic and ever-changing galaxy.

Its blend of exploration, combat, trade, and customization ensures that no two games are alike, providing endless replayability and strategic depth.

Whether you’re a space opera enthusiast or a fan of open-ended games, Xia offers an adventure that’s truly out of this world.

Cosmic Encounter

Cosmic Encounter, originally released in 1977 and continually refined over the years, stands as a timeless classic in the world of board gaming.

Known for its unique blend of strategy, negotiation, and variable player powers, it has captivated players for decades.

In this post, we'll explore what makes Cosmic Encounter a perennial favorite, delving into its gameplay mechanics, strategic elements, and why it remains an essential part of any board game collection.

Short Description

Cosmic Encounter is a strategic and social board game for 3-5 players (expandable to more with additional sets) where each player takes on the role of a different alien species, each with unique powers.

The objective is to establish colonies in other players’ systems through alliances, negotiation, and strategic planning. The game's dynamic interactions and endless variability make each playthrough a distinct and memorable experience.

Key Features:

  • Player Count: 3-5 players (expandable)
  • Playtime: 60-120 minutes
  • Complexity: Medium, suitable for a wide range of gamers


Players begin by selecting an alien species, each with a unique power that breaks the game’s fundamental rules in exciting ways.

The game board consists of player home systems, each containing five planets. Players aim to establish five colonies outside their home system to win the game.

Turn Structure

Cosmic Encounter is played over a series of turns, with each turn involving several phases:

  1. Start Turn: Draw a Destiny card to determine the target player for the encounter.
  2. Regroup: Retrieve a ship from the Warp (the game’s “graveyard”).
  3. Destiny: Resolve the drawn Destiny card to see which player’s system will be the target.
  4. Launch: Send ships to the chosen system to initiate an encounter.
  5. Alliance: Invite other players to join as allies in the encounter.
  6. Planning: Each main player selects an Encounter card (Attack, Negotiate, or special cards) to play face-down.
  7. Reveal: Reveal Encounter cards and resolve the battle or negotiation.
  8. Resolution: Determine the outcome, adjust colonies, and distribute rewards.

Strategic Depth

Cosmic Encounter’s depth comes from its rich strategic and diplomatic interactions. Key elements include:

  • Alien Powers: Each alien’s unique power influences gameplay and strategy. Some powers are highly aggressive, while others are defensive or manipulative.
  • Negotiation: Players can form temporary alliances to strengthen their position or disrupt opponents. Successful negotiation is often key to victory.
  • Tactics: Balancing offense and defense, managing your ships, and wisely choosing when to ally are crucial to success.

Variable Player Powers

The core of Cosmic Encounter’s appeal lies in its alien powers, which introduce a high degree of variability and replayability. With dozens of aliens to choose from (and more in expansions), each game offers a fresh strategic landscape.

Victory Conditions

The game ends when a player establishes five colonies in other players’ systems. However, the fluid nature of alliances and negotiations means that victory often involves careful planning and shrewd diplomacy.


Cosmic Encounter remains a standout in the board gaming world due to its unique blend of strategy, negotiation, and variable powers.

Its dynamic gameplay ensures that no two games are ever the same, offering endless replayability and engaging interactions.

Whether you’re forging alliances, outwitting opponents, or leveraging your alien’s unique abilities, Cosmic Encounter provides a deeply rewarding experience for strategy game enthusiasts.


Eclipse: New Dawn for the Galaxy, first released in 2011 by and designed by Touko Tahkokallio, has established itself as one of the premier 4X (eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, eXterminate) board games.

With its deep strategic elements and immersive gameplay, Eclipse allows players to build their own interstellar civilization, explore the galaxy, and engage in epic space battles.

In this post, we'll explore what makes Eclipse a standout game, delving into its gameplay mechanics, strategic depth, and why it remains an essential part of any board game collection.

Short Description

Eclipse is a 4X strategy board game for 2-6 players, where each player controls a unique alien species or human faction, striving to expand their empire across the galaxy.

The game combines exploration, resource management, research, and combat, offering a complex and rewarding experience. Each decision counts as players develop technologies, build fleets, and form alliances or wage wars.

Key Features:

  • Player Count: 2-6 players
  • Playtime: 120-180 minutes
  • Complexity: High, suitable for experienced gamers


Players start by choosing their factions, each with unique abilities and starting resources. The galaxy is built using hexagonal tiles, ensuring a different setup each game.

Players place their initial colonies on the map and begin their quest to dominate the galaxy.

Turn Structure

Eclipse is played over a series of 9 rounds, with each round consisting of several phases:

  1. Action Phase: Players take turns performing actions such as exploring new sectors, researching technologies, building ships and structures, and moving fleets.
  2. Combat Phase: Resolve battles between ships in the same sector using dice rolls and modifiers from technologies and ship upgrades.
  3. Upkeep Phase: Players manage their resources, paying maintenance costs for their fleets and colonies, and adjusting their influence on the galaxy.

Strategic Depth

Eclipse offers rich strategic depth through various elements:

  • Exploration: Discover new sectors of the galaxy, uncovering resources, ancient technologies, and alien threats.
  • Expansion: Colonize new planets to gain resources and increase your influence in the galaxy.
  • Exploitation: Efficiently manage and utilize resources to build fleets, develop technologies, and expand your empire.
  • Extermination: Engage in strategic battles to defend your territory and conquer opponents.

Technology and Ship Customization

A key aspect of Eclipse is the technology tree, which allows players to research and develop new technologies to enhance their fleets and colonies. Ship customization adds another layer of strategy, as players can design ships with specific weaponry, defenses, and engines to suit their playstyle and objectives.

Victory Conditions

The game ends after 9 rounds, and the player with the most victory points wins. Points are earned through various means, including controlling sectors, developing technologies, building monoliths, and winning battles. The diverse paths to victory ensure that each game offers new challenges and opportunities for strategic planning.


Eclipse: New Dawn for the Galaxy stands out as a quintessential 4X strategy game, offering an immersive and complex experience that challenges players to think critically and adapt their strategies.

Its blend of exploration, resource management, technology development, and combat creates a rich and dynamic gameplay environment.

Whether you're a seasoned strategy gamer or a newcomer to the 4X genre, Eclipse provides a deeply rewarding adventure in the vast expanse of space.

Gaia Project

Gaia Project, released in 2017 by Feuerland Spiele, is a spiritual successor to the highly acclaimed Terra Mystica. Designed by Jens Drögemüller and Helge Ostertag, this game elevates the mechanics of its predecessor into a sprawling space-themed strategy game.

In this post, we'll explore the intricacies of Gaia Project, delve into its gameplay mechanics, strategic elements, and understand why it has become a staple in the collections of serious board gamers.

Short Description

Gaia Project is a complex, strategic board game for 1-4 players that revolves around building and expanding a galactic civilization.

Players control one of 14 different factions, each with unique abilities, striving to terraform planets, advance technologies, and create an interstellar empire. The game is known for its deep strategic depth, variety, and replayability.

Key Features:

  • Player Count: 1-4 players
  • Playtime: 60-150 minutes
  • Complexity: High, suitable for experienced gamers


Players begin by selecting their factions, each with distinct advantages and special abilities. The game board is modular, ensuring a different layout each time you play.

Players place their initial structures on the board, marking the start of their empire-building journey.

The primary objective is to score the most victory points by the end of the game, achieved through a combination of expansion, technological advancement, and strategic planning.

Turn Structure

Gaia Project is played over six rounds, with each round consisting of several phases:

  1. Income Phase: Players collect resources such as ore, knowledge, credits, and power, based on their existing structures and upgrades.
  2. Gaia Phase: Players convert Gaiaformers to Gaia planets if they have performed Gaiaforming.
  3. Action Phase: Players take turns performing one action per turn until all players pass. Actions include building structures, upgrading buildings, advancing on the technology track, terraforming planets, and more.
  4. Cleanup Phase: Players prepare for the next round by resetting certain game elements and advancing the round marker.

Strategic Depth

Gaia Project offers a rich array of strategic options, with several key elements:

  • Terraforming and Expansion: Players must terraform planets to make them habitable for their faction, expanding their presence across the galaxy.
  • Technology Advancement: Advancing on the technology tracks provides various bonuses and abilities, crucial for long-term success.
  • Resource Management: Efficient management of resources is vital, as it influences your ability to build, terraform, and advance technologies.
  • Faction Abilities: Each faction has unique powers that guide strategic decisions and play styles, offering varied gameplay experiences.

Faction Diversity

With 14 unique factions, each game of Gaia Project offers different strategic landscapes. Players must adapt their strategies to leverage their faction’s strengths while countering the abilities of their opponents.

This diversity ensures high replayability and constant engagement.

Victory Conditions

Victory points are earned through various means, such as building structures, advancing technologies, achieving specific objectives, and more.

The game ends after six rounds, and the player with the most victory points is declared the winner. The multiple paths to victory allow for diverse strategies and dynamic gameplay.


Gaia Project stands out as a premier civilization-building game, offering deep strategic gameplay and a high level of complexity.

Its blend of resource management, technological advancement, and galactic expansion provides a rich and engaging experience for strategy game enthusiasts.

Whether you're terraforming planets, advancing through the technology tracks, or leveraging your faction’s unique abilities, Gaia Project delivers an epic and rewarding journey through the stars.

Star Wars: Outer Rim

Star Wars: Outer Rim, released in 2019 by Fantasy Flight Games, transports players to the fringes of the galaxy, where they take on the roles of infamous scoundrels and bounty hunters.

This thematic adventure game combines exploration, combat, and strategic planning, immersing players in the Star Wars universe.

In this post, we'll explore the essentials of Star Wars: Outer Rim, delving into its gameplay mechanics, strategic elements, and why it has become a beloved game for both Star Wars fans and board game enthusiasts.

Short Description

Star Wars: Outer Rim is a thematic adventure board game for 1-4 players, where each player becomes a scoundrel navigating the galaxy to build their reputation.

Players take on missions, deliver illegal cargo, engage in space combat, and hunt bounties to become the most famous (or infamous) character in the Outer Rim. The game's rich narrative and immersive mechanics capture the spirit of the Star Wars saga.

Key Features:

  • Player Count: 1-4 players
  • Playtime: 120-180 minutes
  • Complexity: Medium, suitable for a wide range of gamers


Players start by choosing a character, each with unique abilities and starting resources. The game board is set up with a modular layout representing the Outer Rim and various planets and space lanes.

Each player receives a ship and starting credits, preparing them for a life of adventure and treachery.

Turn Structure

Star Wars: Outer Rim is played over a series of turns, with each player’s turn consisting of several phases:

  1. Planning Phase: Players choose one of three actions: Move their ship, gain credits, or repair their ship.
  2. Action Phase: Players can perform actions such as trading goods, resolving jobs, delivering bounties, or buying new ships and equipment.
  3. Encounter Phase: Players draw encounter cards based on their location, leading to narrative-driven events, combat, or opportunities for rewards.

Strategic Depth

Star Wars: Outer Rim offers a blend of strategic elements and thematic immersion:

  • Mission and Jobs: Completing jobs and missions is crucial for earning credits and increasing your reputation. Balancing high-risk and low-risk jobs is key.
  • Bounty Hunting: Tracking and capturing bounties provides significant rewards. Players must decide whether to turn in bounties alive for more credits or dead for easier capture.
  • Ship and Crew Management: Upgrading your ship and recruiting crew members with special abilities can provide strategic advantages.
  • Reputation System: Interacting with different factions (Rebels, Imperials, Hutts, Syndicate) affects your reputation, influencing encounters and missions.

Character Diversity

Each character in Star Wars: Outer Rim has unique abilities and starting conditions, offering varied playstyles and strategies.

From Han Solo to Boba Fett, players can experience the game through the lens of iconic Star Wars characters, each with their own goals and challenges.

Victory Conditions

The game ends when a player reaches a set number of fame points, typically 10. Fame points are earned by completing missions, delivering cargo, capturing bounties, and achieving personal goals.

The player with the most fame points at the end of the game is declared the most renowned scoundrel in the Outer Rim.


Star Wars: Outer Rim delivers an exciting and immersive adventure that captures the essence of the Star Wars universe.

Its blend of exploration, combat, and strategic planning makes each game a unique journey through the galaxy's most dangerous and thrilling regions.

Whether you're a seasoned Star Wars fan or a board game enthusiast looking for an adventure, Outer Rim offers an experience that's both captivating and rewarding.

Roll for the Galaxy

Roll for the Galaxy, released in 2014 by Rio Grande Games and designed by Wei-Hwa Huang and Tom Lehmann, is a dice-based strategy board game that takes players on a journey to build and expand their galactic empire.

The game combines dice rolling with strategic decision-making, creating an engaging and fast-paced experience.

In this post, we'll explore the essentials of Roll for the Galaxy, delve into its gameplay mechanics, strategic elements, and understand why it has become a staple in the collections of many board game enthusiasts.

Short Description

Roll for the Galaxy is a dice-rolling strategy game for 2-5 players, where each player aims to develop the most prosperous and expansive galactic empire.

Players roll dice to represent workers, using them to explore new worlds, develop technologies, and settle planets. The game’s unique dice mechanics, combined with deep strategic choices, offer a compelling and replayable experience.

Key Features:

  • Player Count: 2-5 players
  • Playtime: 45-60 minutes
  • Complexity: Medium, suitable for a wide range of gamers


Players start by receiving a set of starting dice, a home world tile, and a faction tile. The game board consists of development and world tiles that players will acquire and use to expand their empire.

The objective is to accumulate the most victory points by the end of the game, achieved through developing technologies, settling planets, and managing resources efficiently.

Turn Structure

Roll for the Galaxy is played over a series of rounds, with each round consisting of several phases:

  1. Roll Phase: Players roll their dice behind a screen to determine their available workers for the round.
  2. Assign Phase: Players secretly assign their dice to different actions (Explore, Develop, Settle, Produce, Ship) based on their strategic goals.
  3. Reveal Phase: Players reveal their assignments simultaneously. The chosen actions are resolved in a specific order:
    • Explore: Gain new tiles and currency.
    • Develop: Complete development tiles to gain new technologies.
    • Settle: Colonize new worlds to expand your empire.
    • Produce: Generate goods on your planets.
    • Ship: Trade goods for victory points and currency.
  4. Action Phase: Players perform the actions that were selected and activated.
  5. Cleanup Phase: Players prepare for the next round by resetting their dice and collecting any newly acquired tiles.

Strategic Depth

Roll for the Galaxy offers a rich array of strategic choices, including:

  • Dice Management: Efficiently managing and assigning dice to maximize productivity and flexibility.
  • Tile Acquisition: Strategically choosing which developments and worlds to pursue based on their benefits and synergies with your existing empire.
  • Resource Management: Balancing the production and shipping of goods to gain currency and victory points.
  • Adaptability: Adapting your strategy based on dice rolls and the actions of other players, ensuring that you can pivot effectively to changing circumstances.

Tile Diversity

The game includes a wide variety of development and world tiles, each offering unique abilities and bonuses.

This diversity ensures high replayability, as each game can unfold in numerous ways based on the tiles available and the strategies players employ.

Victory Conditions

The game ends when a player has placed a set number of tiles in their tableau or when the victory point pool is depleted. Players then tally their victory points from tiles, developments, and shipped goods.

The player with the most victory points is declared the winner, having built the most prosperous galactic empire.


Roll for the Galaxy stands out as a dynamic and engaging dice-driven strategy game. Its blend of dice management, tile acquisition, and resource management provides a rich and rewarding gameplay experience.

Whether you're exploring new worlds, developing cutting-edge technologies, or trading goods across the galaxy, Roll for the Galaxy offers endless strategic possibilities and replayability.

Galaxy Trucker

Galaxy Trucker, designed by Vlaada Chvátil and published by Czech Games Edition in 2007, offers a unique blend of construction, strategy, and chaotic space adventure.

Players take on the role of intergalactic truckers, building their ships from spare parts and then racing across the galaxy, facing various hazards along the way.

In this post, we'll delve into what makes Galaxy Trucker a standout game, exploring its gameplay mechanics, strategic elements, and why it remains a beloved title in the board gaming community.

Short Description

Galaxy Trucker is a fast-paced board game for 2-4 players where each player builds a spaceship from a shared pool of components.

Once the ships are built, players embark on a journey through space, encountering hazards such as meteor showers, pirate attacks, and abandoned ships.

The goal is to deliver goods, survive the journey, and earn the most credits by the end of the game.

Key Features:

  • Player Count: 2-4 players
  • Playtime: 60-90 minutes
  • Complexity: Medium, suitable for a wide range of gamers


Players start with a basic ship template and access to a shared pool of ship components. The game is played over three rounds, with each round consisting of a building phase and a flight phase.

The objective is to build a functional ship, survive the hazards of space, deliver cargo, and earn credits.

Turn Structure

Galaxy Trucker is played over three rounds, each with distinct phases:

  1. Building Phase: Players simultaneously grab ship components from a central pile and place them on their ship template. Components include cabins, engines, shields, lasers, cargo holds, and more. This phase is time-limited, adding to the chaos and urgency.
  2. Flight Phase: Players embark on their journey, flipping over event cards that introduce various challenges such as meteors, pirates, abandoned stations, and planets. Players must navigate these hazards using their ship's components and resources.

Strategic Depth

Galaxy Trucker offers a blend of strategy and luck, with key elements including:

  • Ship Design: Efficiently designing a ship that can handle various threats and maximize cargo space is crucial. Balancing offensive, defensive, and utility components is key to survival.
  • Resource Management: Managing energy to power shields and lasers, and allocating space for cargo and crew, is essential for overcoming challenges.
  • Adaptability: The random nature of event cards requires players to adapt their strategies on the fly, making quick decisions to mitigate damage and capitalize on opportunities.

Hazards and Challenges

During the flight phase, players encounter a variety of hazards:

  • Meteors: Large and small meteors can impact the ship, causing damage. Shields and lasers can help mitigate this threat.
  • Pirates and Smugglers: Combat encounters that require offensive capabilities to fend off attackers.
  • Abandoned Stations and Planets: Opportunities to gather additional resources or cargo, often at the risk of danger.

Victory Conditions

The game ends after three rounds, and players tally their credits from delivered cargo, surviving ship components, and various bonuses.

The player with the most credits is declared the winner, having proven themselves the most adept galaxy trucker.


Galaxy Trucker stands out as a fast-paced and chaotic board game that blends construction, strategy, and survival.

Its unique gameplay mechanics, combined with the excitement of navigating random space hazards, create a thrilling and unpredictable experience.

Whether you're meticulously designing your ship or frantically responding to cosmic threats, Galaxy Trucker offers endless fun and replayability.

Beyond the Sun

Beyond the Sun, released in 2020 by Rio Grande Games and designed by Dennis K. Chan, invites players to lead humanity's quest for interstellar colonization and technological advancement.

This tech-tree driven strategy game offers deep strategic choices and dynamic gameplay, making it a standout in the genre.

In this post, we’ll explore what makes Beyond the Sun a compelling game, delving into its gameplay mechanics, strategic elements, and why it deserves a place in your board game collection.

Short Description

Beyond the Sun is a tech-tree and worker placement strategy board game for 2-4 players, where players collectively decide the technological progress of humanity while competing to control important systems and build the most advanced colonies.

The game emphasizes strategic planning, technological development, and tactical control of resources and systems.

Key Features:

  • Player Count: 2-4 players
  • Playtime: 90-120 minutes
  • Complexity: Medium to high, suitable for experienced gamers


Players begin by setting up the central tech tree, which will evolve throughout the game based on collective research decisions.

Each player starts with a home system, a basic set of resources, and a unique player board representing their faction’s capabilities.

The main objective is to earn the most victory points by the end of the game, achieved through technological advancements, system control, and completing objectives.

Turn Structure

Beyond the Sun is played over a series of turns, with each turn consisting of several phases:

  1. Action Phase: Players choose and perform one of four main actions: Research a Technology, Colonize a System, Produce Resources, or Move Ships.
  2. Event Phase: Certain actions trigger events that can introduce new technologies, systems, or objectives.
  3. End of Turn Phase: Players check for end-game conditions and prepare for the next turn.

Strategic Depth

Beyond the Sun offers a rich array of strategic choices through its tech-tree and resource management mechanics:

  • Tech-Tree Development: Players collectively research technologies, unlocking new abilities and actions. Strategic choices in the tech tree can provide significant advantages and shape the direction of the game.
  • Resource Management: Efficiently managing resources like population, ore, and food is crucial for building and sustaining colonies and ships.
  • System Control: Controlling and developing new star systems is vital for expansion and resource generation.
  • Objective Completion: Fulfilling public and private objectives can provide substantial victory points and influence strategic decisions.

Technology and Colonization

The tech-tree is the heart of Beyond the Sun, offering a diverse range of paths and strategies. Players can specialize in different fields, such as military, economic, or scientific advancements, each providing unique benefits.

Colonizing new systems requires strategic placement of ships and careful management of resources, balancing expansion with technological progress.

Victory Conditions

The game ends when a certain number of achievements have been completed by the players. Victory points are then tallied based on technology advancements, system control, completed objectives, and other achievements.

The player with the most victory points is declared the winner, having led humanity to a new era of interstellar dominance.


Beyond the Sun stands out as a sophisticated and engaging strategy game that combines tech-tree development with dynamic resource management and system control.

Its unique mechanics and deep strategic elements provide a rewarding experience for those who enjoy complex, thought-provoking gameplay.

Whether you're advancing humanity's technological prowess or colonizing new star systems, Beyond the Sun offers an immersive journey into the future of space exploration.

Key Features of Top Space-Themed Board Games


One common thread among these games is high replayability. Whether through variable setups, multiple strategies, or evolving storylines, these games keep players coming back for more.

Strategic Depth

Space-themed board games often feature complex strategies. Players must consider resource management, tactical moves, and long-term planning. This depth ensures that each game is a new challenge.

Immersive Themes

From the detailed lore of Twilight Imperium to the cinematic battles of Star Wars: Rebellion, these games transport players to different worlds. The themes are richly developed, enhancing the overall experience.