20 Best Fantasy Board Games

20 Best Fantasy Board Games
Short Description

We are huge fans of fantasy. Over all of its incarnations, the genre has taken up a substantial portion of our time and attention. When it comes to literature, film, comic books, television, tabletop games, and electronic games, our preference is always for fantasy.

List of Fantasy Board Games๐Ÿ˜Ž
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1. Dungeons & Dragons (2003)

Dungeons & Dragons (2003) Short Description

๐Ÿ“Œ Short Description

A heavyweight classic of role-playing board games. One person (master) invents a plot, the course of which can and should change according to the actions of the players.

Players invent characters for themselves and endow them with abilities (both combat and not). After that, everyone sits down at one large table, takes out dice (dice with 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 20 sides), lay out cards (territories), if there is a plot need, and starts playing.

The master says what is happening, and the players through their characters react to it and try to influence it. The success of certain actions depends on the dice rolls.

๐ŸŽฒ Game Play

For the game you will need: the company of 2 to 6 people, one of them must lead the game and everyone calls him the Master, digital cubes or ordinary ones, a map and the adventure itself, as well as each player creates a character sheet for himself.

The game allows you to try yourself in a new role, whether it be a brave warrior, an artistic bard, or an insidious rogue. In fact, there are many races and character stories in the game. It is also possible to reincarnate and go beyond reality-normality.

You can feel like a great magician who can prove himself a leader and become a hero in a fantasy world. Here you can only be limited by your imagination, but by joining the game you become omnipotent and see no limits to improving your hero.

There may be more than one session, as the adventures are very different. There are one-shots where the game can last a couple of hours, and there are long adventures that can stretch for a month, and sometimes even longer.

The number of sessions may depend on the players, and how quickly they can complete the task and complete the mission.

๐Ÿ’ก Overall Impressions

The game is very exciting. If the company is good and bright. Randomness can turn the course of the plot as you like. Your actions and will, too. Fantasy allows you to fully transport yourself into what is happening, and the Dungeons & Dragons rule book and moral forces alone are ways to have a great evening.

2. The Red Dragon Inn (2007)

The Red Dragon Inn (2007) Short Description

๐Ÿ“Œ Short Description

Do you often meet with friends? And you are already tired of playing twister, mafia, monopoly, or crocodile? Then try the adventure, crowned with success even before the game itself starts!

Your company has more than paid for all its adventures. The raid on the dungeon was very successful. In addition to the defeated dragons, you also had all the laurels of greatness and a lot of gold. You naturally take jewelry with you.

Divide them fairly between 4 players. What to do to perpetuate your victory? Of course, celebrate your triumph. Head to The Red Dragon Tavern and have a noisy party at your eatery. Enjoy your courage and bravery.

๐ŸŽฒ Game Play

Your main goal is to have fun. But at the same time, do not stay with the wind in your pockets. Drink as many alcoholic drinks as possible. Walk in the tavern until you taste the whole deck. If you are still on your feet - gamble with other participants in this feast.

But be careful not to squander all honestly won gold. And you will have a ton of envious people who will not mind acquiring your tidbit. 160 cards and 4 platforms are ready to surprise with their diversity. It is even hard to imagine that so many adventures can be found in a tavern.

๐Ÿ’ก Overall Impressions

Here you need your full attention, and first, you will need to regularly look into the rules. The Red Dragon Inn is not such a simple game, you have to move your convolutions here. Enjoy a noisy evening in the company of those who celebrate your genius and exalt your resilience and heroism.

3. Mansions of Madness (2016)

Mansions of Madness (2016) Short Description

๐Ÿ“Œ Short Description

At first glance, the game may seem quite difficult to figure out. But everything is quite simple there. There are several scenarios for the development of the plot and several goals.

At the beginning of the game, the host chooses a scenario, according to which he lays out a map of the mansion, cards for research, and evidence. Each plot has its own purpose, which is unknown to the players.

The goal reveals the conditions for victory and the conditions for defeat. The host, who is evil, plays for all the monsters, trying to prevent the players from investigating and winning. Incredible adventures for 4 people that can surprise the most skilled board game lovers.

๐ŸŽฒ Game Play

There is a choice of players/investigators, both male and female. Each character has their own story. Each character has his own number of lives, own level of strength, intelligence, accuracy, dexterity, etc.

You can choose any.

The characters are chosen, the evidence is laid out, and the host tells the story. At some point, monsters may appear, maniacs with whom you need to fight. Evil can impose horror on you and some attack from fear of people to claustrophobia.

Choose the right role for you. Become the madman who confuses detectives. Or take on the role of a detective and trust your intuition.

๐Ÿ’ก Overall Impressions

Mansions of Madness does not require any special knowledge or skills from the players. The main goal is to involve the players in the story and make them think logically about the riddles.

The authors did their best before offering several cases for investigation. The clues fit very harmoniously into the overall scenario. It is impossible to break away if you notice some connection between objects or events.

4. The Lord of the Rings Journeys in Middle-earth (2019)

The Lord of the Rings Journeys in Middle-earth (2019) Short Description

๐Ÿ“Œ Short Description

Journeys in middle-earth are the co-op game of exploration and combat in the world of the rings. It is a campaign game played over a series of adventures. This strategy is based on the well-known and many favorite films: The Lord of the Rings.

In the game, you can play for the following factions: humans, elves, dwarves, Isengard, Mordor, and goblins. The factions are well-balanced and pleasant to play for everyone (naturally, each faction has its strengths and weaknesses).

It uses a combination of physical components and a digital app. All players will choose a hero with a hero figure card.

๐ŸŽฒ Game Play

You will obligatory have starting items. Also, you have a skilled deck with various skill cards. They include some basic and some specific skills. It depends on the hero.

It will also contain one weakness card which has no effect other than to water down your deck. Your starting skill card begins in its prepared state face up in front of you. While the rest of the skill cards are shuffled into a face-down deck.

When all players are ready, the app will provide you with story context and instruct you as to how you should set up the map with tiles and tokens. You will also notice how to place your heroes. Your objectives in each adventure will differ. Defeat certain enemies or discover certain locations.

๐Ÿ’ก Overall Impressions

The adventure game is great. Wonderful gameplay, atmosphere, heroes familiar from films, plus a few new ones. And of course, the ring of omnipotence, with which you can summon Sauron himself to the battlefield.

5. Arkham Horror (2016)

Arkham Horror (2016) Short Description

๐Ÿ“Œ Short Description

Arkham Horror the card game is a living cooperative living card game in which one to four investigators work to unravel arcane mysteries while overcoming the dangers of the mythos and the personal demons, that hunt their past.

Each player assumes the role of a single investigator as they uncover a series of connected scenarios that create a narrative campaign. During each scenario, the investigators explore menacing locations. They look for clues that enable them to advance the story. An attempt to defeat the treacherous forces arrayed against them.

๐ŸŽฒ Game Play

As the players make progress in the campaign each investigator will gain experience and insight which allows them to develop in a variety of ways. But they were as oneโ€™s exposure to the arcane world.

It increases the risk of insanity. Steal your nerves and arm yourself. All manner of strange and eerie investigation awaits you in Arkham Horror. The decisions made during each scenario may carry over to influence future scenarios during the campaign.

Using the campaign guide, the players follow the campaign setup steps. Choose the hero. Then the player assembles their investigator's deck consisting of their allies' equipment, talents, skills, and weaknesses.

๐Ÿ’ก Overall Impressions

Diving into the mythos of Arkham Horror, you gain insight into the hidden truths of the world, which manifests in the form of experience points. This experience will surprise your friends and your family members. It is a good chance to gather the nearest circle and divide emotions and follow mysteries together.

6. Harry Potter Hogwarts Battle (2016)

Harry Potter Hogwarts Battle (2016) Short Description

๐Ÿ“Œ Short Description

The game of witchcraft and wizardry for 2-4 players. In Hogwarts Battle players take on the role of Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Neville, learning spells, collecting items, and even recruiting allies to fight villains and defend against dark arts events.

The goal of the game is to win. You and your friends will win successfully by defeating every villain before they gain control over the wizarding world. As you win games, you progress through your years at Hogwarts, unlocking new cards and gaining powerful new abilities as you encounter tougher villains.

๐ŸŽฒ Game Play

You begin your journey as a humble first-year student, with access to only the simplest of spells, your loyal pet, and some items specific to your character. This makes up your starting deck and 5 cards from that make your starting hand.

Your turn begins with one dark arts event, which does bad things. It may damage your character or discard part of your hand. It may give villains more control over the wizarding world.

Then the active villain attacks you, resolving their ability. It is high time to play cards from your hand and use different resources. Some cards give you an attack. Once players have collectively dealt with other players, they defeat the enemy. And you gain a reward for the win.

๐Ÿ’ก Overall Impressions

It is a great chance to reveal the main heroes' personalities of the world-famous wizarding story. Open the world of the Harry Potter Hogwarts Battle Cooperative Deck Building Card Game to gain a real overview of their life. You can break out into this atmosphere with friends or family members.

7. Warhammer ย Chaos in the Old World (2011)

Warhammer Chaos in the Old World (2011) Short Description

๐Ÿ“Œ Short Description

This product is unique and able to surprise players. In fact, these are all niche strategies that are fun to play. And not only because you want to know the concept of the next world.

The concept of Warhammer Chaos in the Old World from the category of "gather resources" in order to buy an army.

An army is needed to capture new resources, which, in turn, will go to a new army. And so on ad infinitum. All game titles or ratings affect the army or resources - increase, speed, and so on. It is a fantasy universe with lots of tricks and puzzles.

๐ŸŽฒ Game Play

There are a few different areas on the board. The interaction between cards and the different Godโ€™s powers. There are four game units with different numbers of items: different numbers of cards, different objectives, and different aims for victory.

They are of different colors. A great diverse staff is suited on the board โ€“ and the game starts. In the squads, we have cultists, warriors, and a greater demon. If they fulfill their objective on their card in a round โ€“ they will get whatโ€™s called a tick on the wheel.

They get upgrade cards or some victory points. Start your figure at the point of zero and move through all the fields and plot stories. Get the 54th point to complete the aim of your stuff.

๐Ÿ’ก Overall Impressions

Despite a large number of fears and pitfalls that seem at first glance, there is nothing difficult to understand in such a game. Unless, of course, you have never played such strategies before - in this case, do not worry, friends will help you set tasks together.

The instruction will guide you through the basics of the game and teach you how to properly allocate resources, build an army, and attack your neighbors.

8. Eldritch Horror ย (2013)

Eldritch Horror (2013) Short Description

๐Ÿ“Œ Short Description

It is a 2-3 hour cooperative game of adventure and Lovecraftian Horror for 2-8 players. In Eldritch Horror you and your friends play the role of investigators, defeating Lovecraftian horrors, closing gates to other dimensions, and looking for a way to stop an Ancient One from awakening and destroying the world.

The goal of the game is to win, and your team wins by solving three mysteries, tasks that include searching for clues, using ancient artifacts, and confronting epic monsters. But beware, if the doom track reaches Zero โ€“ the Ancient One youโ€™re combating awakens, making victory nearly, if not completely, impossible.

๐ŸŽฒ Game Play

Each player controls one investigator with health, sanity, five stats, and two special abilities, one passive, and the other usable as an action. The game is played over the course of rounds, and each round has three phases.

The Action Phase: each investigator can prepare for the tasks ahead.

The Encounter Phase: investigators fight Monsters and have encountered in their current location. The Mythos Phase: the forces of evil get one step closer to victory. Investigator performs up to two unique actions.

Travel along the path for free, plus one red train path if you spend a train ticket and blue path โ€“ if you have a blue ticket.

๐Ÿ’ก Overall Impressions

Find clues, and set all the players on the right wave. Open cards and try to overthrow the most important monster that destroys everything around. An entertaining story for thrill-seekers. Discover the world of fantasies in different prisms.

9. A Game of Thrones Catan (2017)

A Game of Thrones Catan (2017) Short Description

๐Ÿ“Œ Short Description

A Game of Thrones is very much based on the Catan gaming system. It is extremely popular among users. It is a Nightwatch guarding the wall against the wildings.

It needs 3-4 players and it is not long-lasting. 75 minutes of unusual pleasure and unraveling the mystery. Each player will start with two settlements. There are some intersections on the deck. The hexes correspond to five different resources.

Wool, wood, brick, wheat, and or are available for you here.

There are also lots of roads. In turn, the players will roll two dice and make choices.

๐ŸŽฒ Game Play

At the beginning of a playerโ€™s turn, theyโ€™re gonna roll to d6. Theyโ€™re going to total the two dice and then theyโ€™re going to check which areas are got total. You can use five basic resources in order to develop your area.

In order to score VP and of the three end-game conditions is that you score. ย You can build rows in order to build networks as normal. You can also build settlements and keep them growing.

You must unveil the wilding token if you build or prosper your settlement. Weโ€™ve got a cave people wildling and it is a normal Raider. They will go to their camp and wait happily as theyโ€™re attempting to slaughter. Wilding presence on the board: you can move around an area and follow the way of gaining resources.

๐Ÿ’ก Overall Impressions

Random choices will help you build your settlement. This is a great choice for developing critical thinking. A strategic approach is also needed. A well-coordinated hiking system will surprise your company. Suitable for measured balanced strategic work on the territory. ย 

10. Blood Rage (2015)

Blood Rage (2015) Short Description

๐Ÿ“Œ Short Description

The board game "Blood and Fury" is a huge box stuffed to the brim with quality components. When you open the box, the view of the miniatures simply takes your breath away: from small but well-detailed warriors and ships to huge monsters.

In addition to the aforementioned miniatures, the box is full of components: game rules, player boards, Valhalla board, various tokens, cards, four-color coasters, and a large map of Scandinavia. Initially, it was thought that the game was designed for 5 players.

But what not to get to the bottom of its miniatures?

Huge miniatures of monsters can be viewed for a long time: they are perfectly detailed and look fantastic. The miniatures of the warriors of each tribe also differ in appearance.

๐ŸŽฒ Game Play

At the beginning of the game, the number of regions that will be destroyed at the beginning of the game, as well as those that will be destroyed further, is selected. The players take their troops and set the starting values โ€‹โ€‹on the board.

After that, cards are selected by draft (this is such a system in which each player looks at cards, chooses one, and passes it to a neighbor). There are three types of cards black upgrade cards, red battle cards, and green quest cards.

That's it, you can start the game. On a player's turn, a player can do one of the following: deploy troops by paying the appropriate amount of rage, move units from one region to another, play an upgrade or quest card, or declare a region sacked.

๐Ÿ’ก Overall Impressions

In "Blood and Fury" you need to play with the maximum composition, then the game becomes the most intense and unpredictable, and sometimes emotions boil at the table. The rules are told quickly, and the game takes two hours and does not have time to get boring.

11. Champions of Midgard (2015)

Champions of Midgard (2015) Short Description

๐Ÿ“Œ Short Description

Champions of Midgard is one of the finest fantasy fun board games. Smashing trolls to pieces, crossing a sea to fight renowned monsters, or just smoking meat in a nice Nordic village. Being a Viking is a breath of fresh air. It is a resource management game that offers the closest experience to becoming a Viking.

๐ŸŽฒ Game Play

Viking village is your modest home to provide the resources needed. The deck is full of different locations: smokehouse, worker huts, church, etc. You can choose vessels to defeat the most dangerous monsters.

You are going to gain runes as vital bonuses during your journeys. Move around the map to look for necessary equipment and face dangerous monsters. Move in turn to overcome your friend's Vikings and avoid shame cards.

๐Ÿ’ก Overall Impressions

The unusual experience of being a Viking will bring you new emotions. Middle Aged historical background is a good idea for gathering together with friends for 2-3 hour gaming. A variety of possibilities is a strong point for Champions of Midgard.

12. Cartographers: A Roll Player Tale (2019)

Cartographers: A Roll Player Tale (2019) Short Description

๐Ÿ“Œ Short Description

Dice manipulation style roll player tale is building the stats of a character whoโ€™s going to go on to into a PRG campaign. You are flipping cards and drawing tetra sea style shapes onto a piece of paper.

As Cartographer you are trying to make a map. You try to score points by building a nice map. It needs 1-6 players for a 1-hour journey through the sea. You get a sheet of paper and your map-making begins.

๐ŸŽฒ Game Play

You are going to pass some scoring cards. They have different meanings and you choose one of them in turn. Then randomly place them underneath scoring ABCD. The game is gonna take place over all four seasons of the year.

The scoring cards are going to give you points for various types of terrains. Gain the proper reputation to win the Roll Player Tale.

๐Ÿ’ก Overall Impressions

Strategic adventures that force your mind to evolve in space. Players have the opportunity to quickly arrange a real sea commotion. Suitable for players from 10 years old, which makes the game indispensable for family leisure.

13. Avalon Hill Betrayal at Baldur's Gate (2017)

Avalon Hill Betrayal at Baldur's Gate (2017) Short Description

๐Ÿ“Œ Short Description

Avalon Hill Betrayal at Baldur's Gate Board Game has no solo mode. It needs 3-6 players. The playing time is medium and itโ€™s a low-complexity game with medium-complexity haunts.

You are adventurers in the city of Baldurโ€™s Gate. The city is tainted by the presence of the god of murder Bhaal. Something is wrong here and itโ€™s up to you to uncover it but can you really trust everyone youโ€™ve teamed up with?

๐ŸŽฒ Game Play

Everyone starts the game in the same team, but at a critical changeover point in the game called the haunted player may become a traitor playing against all others. Each scenario has different rules.

Tile placement: each room in the game is represented by a different tile. Many outcomes are determined by dice rolls.

Each player selects the double-sided card of character tiles, takes the corresponding miniature, and places it at the green mark numbers. Placing them into taverns in the middle of the map means the beginning of the game.

๐Ÿ’ก Overall Impressions

The game is a great opportunity to unravel the mysterious city and discover its wizards. It is great to work to uncover the traitor among your gaming circle. Great tension, which arises between players gives some sharpness to your company. Try to find a betrayer by observing the behavior of your circle members.

14. Cities of Splendor (2017)

Cities of Splendor (2017) Short Description

๐Ÿ“Œ Short Description

You play three cities no matter the number of players. There is a large stuck to randomize from. The cards are double-sided with pictures and info. There is a number on the top and it notifies the number of victory points you get.

You must be able to collect one of those tokens. Once you get 13 victory points, four green and three blue cards โ€“ you are able to Claim city tiles and a number of victory points.

๐ŸŽฒ Game Play

You must follow all the requirements from the card after the round. The game wonโ€™t be finished with a victory with a huge amount of points, but without any done requirement. You grab three colorful tokens in turn with players.

If you have the number of tokens needed โ€“ change them into the card. Collect all the cards needed for your city. As far as you get all the cards of the City โ€“ claim the victory. The winner is a collector of all three cities on the deck.

๐Ÿ’ก Overall Impressions

Quick changeable game for a not-big circle of players. Fast exchanging, simple rules, quick preparation for the beginning of revival. All these make the Cities of

Splendor is interesting and playable among any age and any company of people. Great idea to spend half an hour of your time thinking about a better solution to build your own city.

15. Res Arcana (2019)

Res Arcana (2019) Short Description

๐Ÿ“Œ Short Description

A great opportunity to struggle against magicians with 2 or 4 players. You use cards to get resources or essences. You get points in a great variety of ways. You will have a very small pool to pick from and every game is going to be different because of that.

The aim is to gain 10 victory points throughout the whole story. The winner must be claimed after their gaining.

๐ŸŽฒ Game Play

At the beginning of the game, each player will choose one of the different essences and goals. Among them: are gold, life, death, calm, and Elon (fire). You are going to pick a mage out of the cards.

Each mage can have a special ability that you essentially turn your card to use it. Res Arcana begins with a deck of 8 cards from the artifact deck. So players randomly shuffle them and give each player 8 different cards.

Each player chooses the card from the central deck with ability, too. So players have a random set of cards. Mages can visit cards of places, cards of monuments, etc. The token is given to the player, who first gains the victory point.

๐Ÿ’ก Overall Impressions

Control your resources and become a real tycoon with the magnificent heroes of this saga. Turn by turn, open new buildings, which boast your playing field. Flip the cards and enjoy the great graphics, which the developer paid maximum attention to.

16. Betrayal at The House on The Hill (2004)

Betrayal at The House on The Hill (2004) Short Description

๐Ÿ“Œ Short Description

Betrayal at the House on The Hill is a spooky exploration game. This is a role-play in the universe of the horror movie style. The trial starts out as a game of exploration. Each player makes their way through the creepy mansion finding new rooms and the secrets within.

As the game progresses there will be a point where the game pivots and a hot begins. One player will be revealed as a traitor and one of 50 scenarios will take place.

๐ŸŽฒ Game Play

Each character has stats that change throughout the game. Speed and might are physical traits. Sanity and knowledge are mental traits. If the game needs to cause physical damage, the player can choose to decrease speed or light and vice versa. Players canโ€™t die until the haunt has begun.

The house is made up of three floors. But it starts only with few rooms in sight. When the explorer walks through the open doorway โ€“ an adjacent room is revealed from the facedown. Explore the history until you wonโ€™t be done with its spooky atmosphere.

๐Ÿ’ก Overall Impressions

Thereโ€™s lots of variability in the game with how the rooms fill out in the house. There are 50 different hot scenarios. Each end is a properly completed mission. This is a nice try to follow the horror genre and keep players in long-lasting tension.

17. Roll Player: Monsters and Minions (2018)

Roll Player: Monsters and Minions (2018) Short Description

๐Ÿ“Œ Short Description

The great game role player, where you build your own character. But itโ€™s not a deal. You must face the monster at the end of the journey. There are some minions you are gonna fight during the game and the boss monster at the end of it.

So you continue building your character without stopping the fighting. This way of gaming makes the story complex. Thunderworks Games as a publisher made a great decision to combine different plots to make a unique product, which is suitable for 1-5 players above the age of 10.

๐ŸŽฒ Game Play

At the beginning of each game, you will pick up a giant monster. There are cracks, giant trolls, vampires, etc. You need three cards of obstacles and three cards of locations to begin your fighting. Also, you must choose three cards of attacks.

There are some kinds of powers to fill on the deck. There are all sorts of minions to fight with. They are separated into 1 dot and 2 dots (the difference is in power). When you are going on a hunt youโ€™re always going to get a die to fight.

You have the experience to spend or you can buy more dice than you have.

๐Ÿ’ก Overall Impressions

Due to Monsters & Minions, I can see Role Player being one of my favorite games for its own merits as a solitary experience. To me, the optimal number of players is two, and with three to four people, the game is still enjoyable but gets a bit more chaotic and drawn out. In contrast, playing Role Player with M&M by yourself is fantastic.

18. Destinies (2021)

Destinies (2021) Short Description

๐Ÿ“Œ Short Description

One to a three-player game designed by Miguel Gobioski and Phillipe Melinskyi. There are different characters available in the game. Each has its own unique abilities and play style. Each of them will not only heal their allies but also amaze any opponent with their abilities.

The game is suitable for those who are used to playing covertly, accurately, and at a distance. The ability of invisibility allows you to survive even in the hottest situations. The characters are like a knight in armor. They will become the vanguard of your squad, suitable for those who are used to playing hard.

๐ŸŽฒ Game Play

An exciting storyline plus excellent graphics create an atmosphere of space adventure. A lot of activities, open events, and events that you can take place both alone and with other players. Take two friends and storm difficult activities and dungeons with your fire team of three.

An exciting storyline plus excellent graphics create an atmosphere of space adventure. A lot of activities, open events, and events that you can take place both alone and with other players. Take two friends and storm difficult activities and dungeons with your fire team of three.

๐Ÿ’ก Overall Impressions

Nevertheless, the world of Destinies is very enticing, even exciting. As they say - there is an atmosphere here. And when, after 4 hours of trying, you still close the raid with your clan - this is an indescribable feeling.

19. Munchkin (2001)

Munchkin (2001) Short Description

๐Ÿ“Œ Short Description

Munchkin is an exciting board card game that is best played by a company of 3 to 6 people (as a rule, one set is designed for 6 people). There are many add-ons that can be used both independently and together with the main set - "Munchkin Zombie", "Munchkin Cthulhu", etc.

๐ŸŽฒ Game Play

We donโ€™t show anyone, we look at what we got! We can put a card with the race in front of us right away or save it for later (what if someone is afraid of the curses that fall out when taking the door? They can deprive the race.

When we play our turn, we need to take the DOOR and if there is a monster in the door card and it attacks us, then the dwarf can call a friend from the cards that he has in his hands. And together with him kill the attacked impudent. Race is very important and can turn you from a weak human loser into an Elf, Halfling, Orc, etc.

And for each race their bonuses. At the beginning of the first level. The winner is the one who reaches the 10th. How to reach it? For killing monsters give levels, you can just take a treasure map.

๐Ÿ’ก Overall Impressions

There's a lot going on in this game thanks to the cards and their sudden combination with your race class. This game allows you to get to know each other in an unfamiliar company.

It will immediately become more comfortable and warm for everyone to follow each other, win back treasures or weave real intrigues. Munchkin gathers everyone around him.

20. Mysterium Board Game (2015)

Mysterium Board Game (2015) Short Description

๐Ÿ“Œ Short Description

All the board games I've played before ended up being card games, without any entourage thoughts or elements or even a host. The feeling that we were playing a fool or any other card game, but with more complex rules, did not leave.

Mysterium is a game of a completely different format. This is a mixture of mafia and association games. The mechanics of the game is simple. There is a leader - this is a ghost. There are three types of cards: people, locations, and tools.

The ghost sets aside combinations for himself in advance: one for each player. This is a kind of cheat sheet, so as not to forget what you came up with or pulled out by accident.

Cards from the second pair of decks are placed on a common table, there should be those that were selected by the ghost and a few more extra, depending on the level of difficulty.

๐ŸŽฒ Game Play

So, players (psychics) come to the castle to investigate the murder. They dream at night. Dreams are special cards that the ghost gives out and which, with their pattern, must somehow indicate, first, the criminal. Then, when the medium guessed the criminal - to the place. And then on to the subject.

When everyone copes with this part of the task, it will be necessary to guess the real criminal from all, and for this, the ghost gives one card per criminal, one for the terrain and one for the weapon.

What is the difficulty then? The fact that ghost draws dreams from the deck in random order. In addition, everyone has their own associations. In addition, there are so many things on the dream cards that any of them can, if desired, hint at anything.

๐Ÿ’ก Overall Impressions

This is a very beautiful game. Great drawings on the cards! You can look endlessly. It's an interesting game because it's difficult and not one you can "learn". If you wish, you can connect your fantasy, get used to the roles, tell colorful and unusual stories, etc.

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